11. Component AB is supported by pin at A and cable BC. If the load at D
follows a normal distribution of N(350,52) lb, determine
the distributions of x, y, z
components of reaction at these support. And if the maximum tension of the
cable is 1250 lb, what is the probability for the
system to fail?
the weight of load D follows the
normal distribution N(350,
52) lb, then we could obtain
Thus, we
have obtained all the distributions of x,
y, z components at support A
and tension on cable BC. We have TBC ~ N(1225, 17.52) lb, Ax
~ N(-525, 7.52) lb, Ay
~ N(1050, 152) lb, Az=0,
~ N(-700, 102) lb∙f and MAz ~ N(-1050, 152) lb∙ft.
maximum tension of the cable BC is
1250 lb, then the probability that the system may
fail is