Quiz 3

Please put your answers in the following table.






















1.   A component is subjected to two independent forces  and , and the resultant force is given by  where  kN and  kN. What is the mean value of ?

A. 80 kN  

B. 20 kN

C. -20 kN             

D. 40 kN


2.      In problem 1, what is the standard deviation of ?

A. 5 kN    

B. 7 kN

C. 1 kN               

D. Cannot be determined


3.      In problem 1, the failure event is defined by . What is the probability of failure?






4.      In problem 1, what is the probability that Y is less than 20 kN?

A. < 50%

B. > 50%

C. = 50%

D. Cannot be determined

5.      For a beam, the factor of safety is defined by , where  and  are the means of the stress  and strength  of the beam, respectively. The reliability of the beam is defined by the probability . Also denote  and  as the standard deviations of  and , respectively. Which of the following actions cannot improve reliability?

  1. Increase  and keep   and  constant
  2. Keep  constant and increase
  3. Keep  constant and decrease
  4. Keep  constant and decrease both  and .


6.      In problem 5, the factor of safety  has no relation with the reliability of the beam. (True or False)


7.      100 failure samples are obtained out of 1,000,000 samples. The probability of failure estimated is

A. 0.9999              B. 0.0001                    C. 0.5                          D. 0


8.      In problem 7, if 1000 failure samples are obtained, the reliability will be decreased. (True or False)


9.      If the forces acting one a component follow independent normal distributions, the resultant force also follows a normal distribution. (True or False)


10.   A design team designed two cantilever beams. The deflection of the tip of each beam is normally distributed as shown. If a smaller deflection is preferred, which design is better?

A. Design 1            B. Design 2                                  

C. Equally good     D. Cannot determine